(540) 894-4572

Foods to Avoid

The following foods and household items are potential toxins and foreign bodies if ingested. These can be harmful or fatal to dogs and cats! If your dog or cat accidentally ingests one of these items or anything else you are unsure of, contact a veterinarian or...

Pet Safety Travel Tips

When traveling by car, cats and dogs should go in carriers that are secured to a seat. On long trips, make sure to stop frequently for pets to relieve themselves and stretch. Never travel with a pet in a truck bed. A sudden change of motion or impact could be fatal....

Senior Pet Wellness

Senior pets are at risk of cancer, diabetes and joint problems, as well as heart, kidney and liver diseases. They also require different veterinary care than younger pets. Talk to your vet about caring for your senior pet. There are special diets and nutrition needs...

Why Spay and Neuter?

There are plenty of advantages to having you pet spayed or neutered, including decreasing the chances of breast tumors later in life, decreasing the chance of cystic ovaries and uterine infections later in life, decreasing the desire to roam the neighborhood,...

Prevent Worms and Parasites

Dogs and cats are susceptible to a variety of different parasites including heartworm, hookworm, fleas, ticks and many more. All these parasites feed off your pet’s body and cause major health problems if untreated. Fleas and other parasites can actually transmit...

Dental Care For Your Pet

Dental Care Helps your Pet Live Longer! Dental disease is the #1 illness affecting pets and can affect your pet’s heart, kidney and lung function. 59% of pet owners surveyed did not know that proper oral care can prevent dental disease. By age four (4), 70% of cats...