(540) 894-4572

There are plenty of advantages to having you pet spayed or neutered, including decreasing the chances of breast tumors later in life, decreasing the chance of cystic ovaries and uterine infections later in life, decreasing the desire to roam the neighborhood, decreasing the incidence of prostate cancer later in life, helping prevent spraying and marking, and decreasing the surplus of unwanted puppies and kittens.

  • Reduce Spraying and Marking
  • Reduce Roaming
  • Reduce Aggression
  • Lower the Risk of Cancers
  • Decrease Overpopulation
  • Increase Lifespan up to 3-5 years!

In 3 years and as early as 4 months old, 1 unspayed female and 1 unneutered male can produce:

  • 512 dogs
  • 382 cats
Spay & Neuter